
Containerization Request

This submission form is for serving containers under the University of Tartu HPC Center’s Kubernetes cluster.

All fields must be filled for submitting the request. The form has to be submitted a minimum of 3 business days before the publication deadline.

Administrator / Contact person
contact person full name
contact person email address
contact person phone number, optional
supervisor full name
General information about container

Does the application require a database?

Should the database be hosted by us?

Does the repository contain a Dockerfile?

Endpoints, ports, service names, API endpoints used in the deployment.


By checking the following boxes, the requestor agrees with HPC Center’s terms and conditions and acknowledges the obligation of keeping the container running and healthy rests with the requestor. Unchecked boxes are interpreted as disagreement with the HPC Center’s terms and conditions; the form submission will be disabled.

Note: If Kubernetes cluster user conditions do not fit your needs, there is an option to create a VM in the ETAIS environment and run the necessary container from there.